
Psychological causes of autobiographical amnesia: A study of 28 cases


Published in: Neuropsychologia, Volume 110, February 2018, 134-147 Abstract “Autobiographical amnesia is found in patients with focal or diffuse brain damage (“organic amnesia”), but also without overt brain damage (at least when measured with conventional brain imaging methods). This last condition is usually named dissociative amnesia at present, and was originally described as hysteria. Classically and traditionally, dissociative […]

Psychological causes of autobiographical amnesia: A study of 28 cases Read Post »

Episodic future thinking and future-based decision-making in a case of retrograde amnesia


Published in: Neuropsychologia, Volume 110, February 2018, 92-103 Abstract “We investigated episodic future thinking (EFT) and future-based cognition and decision-making in patient SG, who developed a dense retrograde amnesiafollowing hypoxia due to a cardiac arrest. Despite intact general cognitive and executive functioning, SG was unable to remember events from his entire lifetime. He had, however, relatively spared anterograde

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Narrative construction is intact in episodic amnesia


Published in: Neuropsychologia, Volume 110, February 2018, 104-112 Abstract “Autobiographical remembering and future imagining overlap in their underlying psychological and neurological mechanisms. The hippocampus and surrounding regions within the medial temporal lobes (MTL), known for their role in forming and maintaining autobiographical episodic memories, are also thought to play an essential role in fictitious and future constructions. Amnesic individuals with bilateral hippocampal damage

Narrative construction is intact in episodic amnesia Read Post »

Touching the void – First and third person perspectives in two cases of autobiographical amnesia linked to temporal lobe epilepsy


Published in: Neuropsychologia, Volume 110, February 2018, 55-64 Abstract “Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) can be associated with a marked impairment of autobiographical memory. This is occasionally its presenting feature. We describe two individuals with severe epilepsy-associated autobiographical memory loss. Both MB and PT were reassured initially that their memory was intact on the basis of standard neuropsychological tests. Both

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The life stories of adults with amnesia: Insights into the contribution of the medial temporal lobes to the organization of autobiographical memory


Published in: Neuropsychologia, Volume 110, February 2018, 84-91 Abstract “Autobiographical memories are not stored in isolation but rather are organized into life chapters, higher-order knowledge structures that represent major themes conveying the arc of one’s life. Neuropsychological studies have revealed that both episodic memory and some aspects of personal semantic memory are impaired in adults with medial temporal lobe (MTL) damage. However,

The life stories of adults with amnesia: Insights into the contribution of the medial temporal lobes to the organization of autobiographical memory Read Post »

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