Episodic Future Thinking

Episodic future thinking and future-based decision-making in a case of retrograde amnesia


Published in: Neuropsychologia, Volume 110, February 2018, 92-103 Abstract “We investigated episodic future thinking (EFT) and future-based cognition and decision-making in patient SG, who developed a dense retrograde amnesiafollowing hypoxia due to a cardiac arrest. Despite intact general cognitive and executive functioning, SG was unable to remember events from his entire lifetime. He had, however, relatively spared anterograde […]

Episodic future thinking and future-based decision-making in a case of retrograde amnesia Read Post »

Task-related and resting-state fMRI identify distinct networks that preferentially support remembering the past and imagining the future


Published in: Neuropsychologia, Volume 110, February 2018, 180-189 Abstract “The relation between episodic memory and episodic future thought (EFT) remains an active target of research. A growing literature suggests that similar cognitive processes and neural substrates tend to support these acts. However, direct comparisons of whole-brain activity reveal clear differences, with numerous regions more active when engaging in

Task-related and resting-state fMRI identify distinct networks that preferentially support remembering the past and imagining the future Read Post »

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