Face Perception

Converging operations and the role of perceptual and decisional influences on the perception of faces: Neural and behavioral evidence

Brain and Cognition

Published in: Brain and Cognition, Volume 122, April 2018, 59-75 Abstract “Theoretical analyses suggest that the regularities indicative of holistic processing can be obtained by combinations of perceptual and decisional factors. Kuefner and colleagues used electrophysiological results to suggest that the composite face effect is driven solely by perceptual factors. Two limitations of their approach are […]

Converging operations and the role of perceptual and decisional influences on the perception of faces: Neural and behavioral evidence Read Post »

Facial age cues and emotional expression interact asymmetrically: age cues moderate emotion categorisation

Cognition and Emotion

Published in: Cognition and Emotion, Volume 32, Issue 2, 350-362 Abstract “Facial attributes such as race, sex, and age can interact with emotional expressions; however, only a couple of studies have investigated the nature of the interaction between facial age cues and emotional expressions and these have produced inconsistent results. Additionally, these studies have not addressed

Facial age cues and emotional expression interact asymmetrically: age cues moderate emotion categorisation Read Post »

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