Long-term Memory

How sublexical association strength modulates updating: Cognitive and strategic effects

Memory & Cognition

Published in: Memory & Cognition, Volume 46, Issue 2, 285-297 Abstract “In the current study, we investigated updating of long-term memory (LTM) associations. Specifically, we examined sublexical associations by manipulating preexisting LTM relations between consonant couplets (in encoding and updating phases), and explicitly instructed participants to engage with a specific strategy for approaching the task (item […]

How sublexical association strength modulates updating: Cognitive and strategic effects Read Post »

Neural bases of automaticity

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

Published in: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Volume 44, Issue 3, 440-464 Abstract “Automaticity allows us to perform tasks in a fast, efficient, and effortless manner after sufficient practice. Theories of automaticity propose that across practice processing transitions from being controlled by working memory to being controlled by long-term memory retrieval. Recent event-related

Neural bases of automaticity Read Post »

Timing a week later: The role of long-term memory in temporal preparation

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

Published in: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017, 1900-1905 Abstract “Temporal preparation has been investigated extensively by manipulating the foreperiod, the interval between a warning stimulus and target stimulus requiring a speeded response. Although such research has revealed many effects of both the duration and distribution of foreperiods on reaction times, the

Timing a week later: The role of long-term memory in temporal preparation Read Post »

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